welcoming you to your

pathway to significant outcomes

Social Care Services

16+ supported with accommodation, assessments, interventions, and personalized advice.

Professional Development

Offering Training, Development, and Placements Opportunities for Social Work Students.

Employment Support

Empowering vulnerable people through programs, recruiting for temporary and permanent roles.

Consultancy and Advocacy

Advisory services for emerging or start-up businesses seeking guidance and expertise.

Comprehensive Services for Support

We offer a diverse range of services tailored for social care organizations, healthcare professionals, and the wider public. Our commitment extends to collaborative solutions that weave stronger community ties, surpassing individual efforts.

Residential and Support Services

Diverse support services, from semi-independent accommodation to therapeutic crisis intervention.

Professional Development and Training

Extensive range of opportunities, including training, social work placements, and employment support. With a focus on your holistic development, we provide pathways to elevate your professional journey and personal growth.

Personalized Assistance

Our commitment to case-specific support is driven by the recognition that one size does not fit all. We value the uniqueness of each individual’s journey and are dedicated to providing guidance that is tailored to their needs.

Supported Living

Our portfolio of properties range from 2-bed up to 6-bed properties.
We provide a safe, secure and supported housing scheme.


Living in this area is ideal, offering a vibrant community and a range of opportunities to thrive.


Enhance your stay in this beautiful region. It offers a fresh perspective on modern living for young adults.

Milton Keynes

Explore the vibrant lifestyle. Our homes offer comfort and a strong sense of community for an enriching stay.


Embark on a transformative journey. Experience a nurturing atmosphere, for an enhanced stay.


The referral process involves emailing a secured form to ADG prior to the young people’s arrival. An emergency bed is available for short-term use (15 nights). Information needed includes name, age, spoken language, and estimated arrival time.

Equality and diversity policy ensures no discrimination based on race, religion, etc. Upon approval, transportation may be provided. Upon arrival at the accommodation, the young person will be assigned a room with a reference number.

Let's talk

Welcome to Advocacy Direct Group Limited (ADG), your gateway to exciting opportunities. Discover the essence of living at our homes, designed to provide a nurturing space for young individuals.

020 3633 9894


21 Butlers Grove, Milton Keynes, MK14 5DT